IKO kite instructor training April / May
The first kite instructor training courses according to the IKO standard have already run, here are a few insights into the last courses and outlooks and dates for the next training rounds:
The first course started on April 15th and was a mixed AITC & ATTC: while Benno and Georg von Henrike were trained as IKO assistants at the AITC, Henrike has proven herself as an assistant trainer and successfully passed her ATTC – and of course there was also Fiete: in the week of 22.-26. April Benno, Georg and Fiete then made their way to the IKO kite instructor ITC fought.
Congratulations to all of you, that was a great start to the 2019 apprenticeship season!
It continued at the beginning of this week at kitesurf-guide.de on Fehmarn:
Michael’s team, as well as Arne and Susi, have rewritten their licenses from VDWS to IKO and reactivated their IKO licenses. The IEC rewriting course only lasts 3 days, which were not easy, but ultimately very successful. So if you are still looking for an IKO center on Fehmarn, you can stop by there.
The next dates have already been set, the next round of courses (AITC & ITC & MFA) starts on May 27th here in Loissin – we still have places available, so if you are interested, please contact us (contact details see above) . After this round, we still have appointments in July, August and September – if enough interested parties get in touch, we will get one last course in October 2019!